Steeple Aston Choral Society was founded by a former village Rector and is still going strong, more than four decades later. The Society is privileged to have Paul Badley, a professional solo and ensemble singer who has performed all over the world, as its director and Paul Herrington, an accomplished pianist, composer, arranger and educator, as its accompanist. Heather Cleobury, another professional musician and strong supporter of amateur music, is its patron.

The choir numbers around thirty singers and is happy to welcome new members. There are no auditions and singers do not need to read music fluently, so as long as they enjoy music-making and socialising, they may learn the music as they wish.

The choir performs three concerts, with professional soloists, each year, – one in the church, one in the village hall and one in either venue (depending on the works being performed.) The summer concert is generally lighter music, with generous amounts of audience participation.

Rehearsals are on Monday evenings from 7.45-9.30. in the Village Hall.

For more details, contact Margaret Bulleyment, SACS Secretary – 01869 347346 or (Regular Events)

SACS Concert Calendar 2024/25

Sunday 30 June 2024 – Summer Party Concert – 6.30 for 7pm in the Village Hall

It’s SACS’s party time again. Join us for a fun-filled evening of wine and strawberries, with some of your favourite musical medleys including – Sounds of Simon and Garfunkel; Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and the popular Summer Sing-a-long. Come and sing your socks off with SACS.

Table seating (8 to a table) Bar with wine, soft drinks and nibbles.

Tickets £12.00 (Children under 16 free) can be ordered from SACS members, or direct from Margaret Bulleyment 01869 347346 or

Sunday 24 November 2024 – Autumn Concert – 7pm in the Church

Bach – Wachet Auf (Sleepers, Wake); Vaughan Williams – Fantasia on Christmas Carols; Monteverdi, Beatus Vir; Audience Carols.


Sunday 30 March 2025 – Spring Concert – 7pm

Sunday 29 June 2025 – Summer Party Concert – 6.30 for 7pm – Village Hall