If you are interested in booking the Village Hall, please:

  1. Check availability of the hall on the calendar page.
  2. Complete the booking form in Adobe Reader after reading the hiring agreement (you do not need to complete the fee section). If you prefer you can download a version of the booking form that can be completed by hand here.
  3. Save and email the booking form to the Letting Agent (Angela Smith) at steeple-aston-village-hall@hotmail.com. Alternatively, fill in the form online, print it and post/drop it to the Letting Agent (address is on the form). Once your booking form is received we will contact you to further discuss your booking (including the fees) and confirm the booking. If you need to download an application for an alcohol licence we will ask you to from here. You will need to print this off and email or send it to us separately.
  4. Alternatively please ring Angela Smith on 07734 112967 to check on availability and talk you through the booking procedure. Please do not ring between 6.00 and 8.00pm unless urgent. Or you can email steeple-aston-village-hall@hotmail.com at any time. She will confirm the price and explain the arrangements if alcohol is going to be served.
  5. Payment of fees must be received at least seven days before the booking. Payment details are on the booking form.